Profiling Faces of those that tell American's about Ebola?
below to see the video
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after this new story broke!
after this new story broke!
NBC's Snyderman faces credibility issues
Face #1 "Deception"a Master at Misinformation and lies. In the video she tells us that the man not wearing protective clothes is in no danger? She's twice uses a distance of 3' feet from person with ebola as a safe distance? not true. Then she stated that she and others were in in Africa three or more feet away from victims of the ebola were in no danger. Then she says that they need a person without a suit on so he can give directions to the people in protective suits that have limited vision. Watch the man with a clipboard walking around the scene and tell me if it looks like he is giving verbal commands to the men in suits as to where to walk? Then look at all the news pictures that show people in protecti suits walking near and around many objects are laying in the path where they're working without have a person without a protective suit on telling them where to step?
Face #2 a puppet "a talking head" does not have a clue as to what's going on. He even reinforce the 3'feet safety zone previously stated by the 3' feet expert broadcasting from Texas. I'm sure she rubs shoulders with some powerful people in Texas. You know what they say about Texas, " everything is bigger in Texas" even a lie. And Texas has not told the American people the truth that should be known by all Americans.
Face #3 she's looking at Mr. Puppet ( Face #2 ) as if she is thinking (He got to be kiding)
Face #4 this ladies face showed genuine concern and questions the misinformation given by Face #1 & Face #2 .
Trying to control his facial expressions to hide the truth.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Tom Frieden testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014, before the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight... (Associated Press)
This is the Face of a man that has told so many lies in regards to the ebola crisis that could take as many as 10,000 lives a week. watch every news conference Dr. Tom Frieden gives. It does not take an expert to identify facial expression and characteristics to determine if a person is lying or telling the truth.
White House rejects calls for Ebola travel ban
Associated Press: CONNIE CASS
" © AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast Registered nurse Keene Roadman, stands fully dressed in personal protective equipment during a training class at the Rush University Medical Cente…
WASHINGTON — Warning that Americans are losing faith in their government's ability to stop Ebola, Republican lawmakers on Thursday pressed for a ban on travel to the U.S. from the West African outbreak zone. The White House resisted the idea and tried to tamp down fear as the pool of Americans being monitored expanded.
While a contentious congressional hearing focused on the three cases of Ebola diagnosed within the U.S., the World Health Organization said the outbreak in West Africa was on pace to top 4,500 deaths this week alone. President Barack Obama authorized the call-up of reserve and National Guard troops in case they are needed as part of the up-to-4,000 military personnel being sent to help with the crisis in West Africa.
Called to Capitol Hill for special hearing, federal health officials emphasized the importance of stopping the virus in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to protect Americans and the rest of the world from its spread.
"You're right, it needs to be solved in Africa. But until it is, we should not be allowing these folks in, period," replied Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich. He called for a ban on the 100 to 150 people who fly into the U.S. each week from the three nations at the heart of the outbreak."
"100 to 150 people who fly into the U.S. each week from the three nations at the heart of the outbreak." Gosh! I'd wonder how many are black? But the State Department (the master of governmental lies) from the beginning of the outbreak has made traveling to Africa's hot zones for ebola a "level three" Meaning any one can fly back and forth from Africa and the United States. The State Dept has told the American people ever since the outbreak that there's "no concern of ebola coming to America." In fact the experts told the American people that they had nothing to worry about, because there's never been the case of ebola on American soil. They said the all persons with ebola were from Africa. So it was amazing that within 48 hours of this absurd statement that there was two more cases of ebola; and they allowed one of the American victims to fly from state to state while being infected.
Experts Say Airborne Ebola is Possible and Would be a "Devastating Nightmare" - See more at: not
"It’s the single greatest concern I’ve ever had in my 40-year public health career. I can’t imagine anything in my career — and this includes HIV — that would be more devastating to the world than a respiratory transmissible Ebola virus." - Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota
"The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate. It is a nightmare scenario [that it could become airborne], and unlikely, but it can’t be ruled out." - Anthony Banbury, UN’s Ebola response chief
The current Ebola outbreak began in Guinea in December 2013 and has spread to four other West African countries.
Now, the US has reported it’s first confirmed case, and unfortunately, others are sure to follow.
All along, officials have been assuring us that the deadly virus is not that easy to contract – and that it is not airborne and cannot become airborne.
Some experts, however, are skeptical of that claim and have been voicing their thoughts on the possibility of the virus mutating and becoming airborne.
One of those experts is David Sanders, associate professor of biological sciences at Perdue University. Here’s what he said a couple of weeks ago:
"I want the facts to be clear. It’s important that we not get the idea that this can’t happen. When people say that it is impossible for this virus to mutate, this is simply not true.
To be airborne it must be present on tiny droplets from a cough or sneeze and must be able to live outside of the body for a certain length of time. This is not how the virus is currently known to spread, but it is evidence that it has some of the necessary components for respiratory transmission,
- See more at:
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