time a person writes an article about gays with opposite views such as those
that are for pro-gay marriage, will close their mind, and accuse the writer of being
homophobia, or Anti-gay.
That is
why will share my beliefs and background. I was cursed in my childhood of being
sexually abuse as adolescence through my teenage years. My sister and I were
abandoned when she was three and I was four. I did not know I had a sister
until I was in my thirties, and Idid not find her until I was in my fifties. My
sister was crippled in a wheelchair.
I was
raised in orphanages and foster homes with other children that were rejected
and abused. The blessing of the horrible childhood is I was not taught to hate
gays, or I did not listen.
The reason
the males sexually abused me, was not because they were Gay; it was because
they are angry, they have been hurt, or abused themselves. They need
Psychological help. It is no surprise that I received a Master's Degree in
Social Work.
I am an
alcoholic, escaped into alcoholism in 1959 until Feb. 22, 1979. I just picked
up my thirty three years sobriety coin.
Guess what
Percentage of Americans is Gay
By: Jon
Ponder | May. 28, 2011
If you
guessed that 25 percent of Americans are gay, you would be wrong, but you would
be in agreement with a majority of the country, according to a new poll from
Gallup: Anti-gay activists debunk assertions that 10 percent of the population
is gay. They claim it's more like two percent — which prompts the question: If
there are so few gay people, why all the fuss? U.S. adults, on average,
estimate that 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian. More specifically,
over half of Americans (52 percent) estimate that at least one in five
Americans are gay or lesbian, including 35 percent who estimates that more than
one in four is.
30% percent
put the figure at less than 15 percent. *The adult population of the United
States is about 225 million. If a quarter of them were gay that would be 56
million people — that's a lot of gay people. That's roughly the number of
Catholics in America. No way.
*United States Adult Population age 18-65 and over. 193,189,246
Click to enlarge Data
personally do not object to how people live their lifestyle, I may not agree
with it, but it is their lives.
give us grace to accept with serenity
the things
that cannot be changed,
Courage to
change the things
should be changed,
and the
Wisdom to distinguish
the one
from the other.
Part of
the original that is attributed to Niebuhr translated into English.
I agree
with Jon Ponder's opinion that it is not logical that one quarter of our
population are gay.
(1/4) of
US Population2010 193 189 246 = 48 297 311.5
But I can get away with saying that some of my best friends are gay, as can you.
But I can get away with saying that some of my best friends are gay, as can you.
your view is such as Rev. red Phelps, a very Anti-Homosexual preacher at the
Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, Kansas; that flies the Canadian Flag upside
down on top of the flag pole with the American Flag under it, also upside down.
He is the
infamous preacher that condemns at American soldiers funerals. He is playing
God. We all will find who is right when we get to the end of the Tunnel, my
money is on God.
I realize
that we as Americans has gone from a WE thinking, to it's all about ME,
Country. But to change the institution of marriage for a very minority of
people is ridicules. The Americans that choose to marry the same sexes has 26
States that sallow it. So they have over half of American to live and marry in,
so be grateful, stop expecting the large majority of American to submit to the
wish of a small population that is mostly like 20% of the populations, is pure
ego and selfishness.
Madison, who was the father of our Constitution, understood that men could not
effectively govern themselves without a clear understanding of the Biblical
doctrine of man's inherent sinfulness. As a result, he drafted the Constitution
so that no one branch of government was given absolute control over the others
and so that a rigorous system of checks and balances would protect the people
from tyranny. The following provisions demonstrate this basic theological
In closing my personal point of view is, That American should not change the traditional laws of marriage that have been in existed since 1776, to satisfy the minority.
The Pro-Gay marriage people will not be satisfied with half the States allowing gay marriage. If you want your gay marriage to be legal, then move to all the States that have made gay marriages legal; it's not even reasonable for 25% of the gays of our 193 189 24 adult population, to expect 48 297 311.5; to change the entire laws, and views of the traditional marriage of a man and woman. The tradition of marriage between a man and woman has existed on earth for 4.4 Million Years, Scientists Say. But what do they know?
I do know that a marriage between a man and woman has been around a lot longer than the Gays that started trying to change laws of American; about a decade ago.
Another irony about gays to change the laws on same sex marriage, besides being selfish, is that American started from people that believed in the Bible, and they want Americans to give up their belief in God's Laws, according to the Holy Bible they also believe in.
So here is a simple analogy for the reader. Let's pretend that there are two gays and 18 straights all in a lifeboat. The lifeboat is built for 14. So they have to make a choice. Is it age, sex, children or religious believes? How will they decide who stays and goes? What four people must go?
A humanitarian, would make sure the woman and children stayed.
A homophobic would make sure any gays go overboard.
A "practical" person would have all draw straws.
The two gays would possible feel that the majority can go overboard, except them because they may feel unique and special.
That is exactly what the gays are asking is that the majority give up all their belief systems so they can justify their personal lifestyle. Keep your lifestyle.
Any judgment I make about the Gay life is when they want to change American religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as want Christians the tradition of a union of marriage between a man and woman.
Enjoy your lifestyle because many nations would kill you or cut off an arm or a leg or two, for being gay. I believe in a Higher Power that will judge my life. Be grateful the States still do not enforce their "Blue Laws" that are still on the books.
You hear how people are fighting for other's gay rights, I think many do it for their own gratification than those of others. It is so easy to say you're altruistic, but few do an honnest iventory of their motives. Like politician's do sound bytes that sound good that they think others want to hear.
10 Countries Now Allow Same-Sex Marriage
The first same-sex marriages took place in the Netherlands on April 1, 2001. The countries that followed were Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland and Argentina.
When we are disturbed, it is because We find some person, place, thing or situation -- some fact of our life -- unacceptable to us, and we can find no serenity until We accept that
person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be
at this moment.
Dr. Paul Ohliger, author
Dr. Paul Ohliger, author
This applies to both sides of an issue of change.
In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them.
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1889) French social philosopher
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
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