29 October, 2020




Early voting boosts hopes for Biden in Texas https://www.reuters.tv/v/PTJ0/2020/10/28/early-voting-boosts-hopes-for-biden-in-texas

Do you want to know the truth as to

why Biden started to lead and maintain his lead over President Trump?

A plurality of the voters in the presidential election is female Liberal with unresolved anger toward men, especially Trump. They are not voting for Biden that has severe disabilities are both in mind and body; they are voting for Kamala Harris.

"Kamala Harris makes history as the first woman of color to accept a major party Nomination for Vice President." www.washingtonpost.com

Kamala Harris had a 26-year-old broadcaster fired For asking the same in the Washinton Post Headline: "Kamala Harris makes history as the first woman of color." A great president for the young man and his family for Thanksgiving, and a nice Christmas gift, During the pandemic?

I, Charles Harvey, M.S.W. Previously worked as a Clinical Therapist in Mental Health, Can attest that Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) has cognitive dissonance that causes inconsistent Thoughts, beliefs, Or attitudes to his Behavioral decisions And attitude changes! My clinical evaluation and diagnosis were from my visual and auditory observation through his public speaking and Media Appearance since 1987! Other sources included documentation.

There, he underwent lifesaving, a six-hour surgical procedure to fix an aneurysm that had begun leaking at the base of his brain. In May of 1988, Biden underwent a second operation to repair another aneurysm on the opposite side of his mind. This second aneurysm had not caused any symptoms but was at risk of bursting.

The new findings show that survivors of ruptured 
aneurysm have decreased quality of life and an increased rate of health problems.

It’s important to remember that Biden had two aneurysms, one that did not bleed as described above. 

What physical and mental problems can a person that hasbleeding after receiving medical treatment

Depression and anxiety are v among survivors, whether you suffered a ruptured aneurysm or treated for an unruptured aneurysm. These can be As a result of the aneurysm itself and also by the many life changes that may occur as a result of the aneurysm.


Charles Harvey, M.S.W. Formerly a clinical therapist in Mental Health that had to work with patients suffering from 
depression and anxiety that is very common among survivors; in the field of psychology, and cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of these essential that person suffering from an aneurysm may need to seek therapeutic intervention through a Clinically licensed therapist, and if n to receive physical therapy for rehabilitation caused by the aneurysms and Continue to work with both medical doctors and other essential support services

Can an elderly Biden live an everyday life after a brain aneurysm? Biden will turn 78 on November 20, 2020; the life span For males is about 76 years and two months; for females, it's 81 years and one month. U.S. life expectancy was on the upswing for decades, rising a few months nearly every year. Jan 29, 2020,
Will Biden, if elected President of The United States, survives until he is 82 in November at the end of his term? And please consider Bidens Medical and mental challenges? The angry Liberal democratic she-males in Congress are betting Biden will not complete his Term and Kamala Harris made history as the first woman of color to accept a major party nomination for Vice President, will become the first woman of color to be elected Vice President officially, and will assume the office as The President of The United States? 

And the Verifiable facts in regards to Biden's physical, Mental, and aging challenge I've listed no persons with love for America and all people would vote for Biden as President of the United States?
However, in my opinion, the Evil lying Liberal Deceiving women in Congre4ss's know all of Former Vice President Biden’s Medical, Mental, and physical liabilities I've shared with you the readers; as all the American Media that is controlled by billionaires Like George Soros and controlled by the CIA that pays them well to direct their media for control of the Sheep and Puppets that the Shepards and The puppeteer's control. If you noticed, when Biden’s pick was a female of color as his VIP running mate, it kept Biden in the polls above, Trumps while staying in his Man-Cave in his home.

Persons of Color as defined in English Dictionaries see: https://www.webster-dictionary.org definitionperson%20of%20color/

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