10 November, 2017

I am Happy, Sergeant Bergdahl will receive his back pay

As a Veteran I am Happy, Sergeant Bergdahl will receive back pay for his service in the Middle East since our invasions and bombings since 1980 a war based on lies.

Sergeant Bergdahl making Sergeant in 1 Year before being captured, Not Bad. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his Country even in a false flag war that we have not won in 15 Years killing millions of civilians and scattering Al Qaeda and ISIS around the Globe and coming to America? And the devastating we caused to homes an the infrastructure American’s have no idea and do not care? I find it interesting American’s are texting “God Bless America” “Christ is our saviour” and Hundreds of Bible passages, however, I have failed to see any of forgiveness? Close to 22 Veterans are killing themselves. “New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day” 2016 Military Times. Many Sergeant Bergdahl age. Are they cowards because they could not take it anymore? Should we Change there Discharge to dishonourable and take away or have families pay the money back. Let’s do what the American’s are doing too Sergeant Bergdahl and show their pictures in the media and disgrace them? As a retired Certified Licensed Clinical Therapist working in Mental Health, I will share my expertise with those that give a rats ass. No one in the Media mentioned anything about Sergeant Bergdahl Mental State? Why, because we Americans prefer to crucify rather than justify or forgive? What do these Salem Witch mentalities demanding blood think thought he was taking a walk-in-park?

Nowhere else in the world has such barbarity and cruelty as in Afghanistan. A man can be beaten so much, such a pulp of skin and blood, that it was impossible to tell whether he had clothes on or not. Every time he fell unconscious, they rubbed salt into his wounds to make him scream. Many prisoners have jaw and mouth locks in an open position so the men can take turns Ejaculating or Urinate in the prisoner's open mouth. And, groups of men Sodomizing prisoners. American corporate media leave those details out and could cut down on enlistments. Women tell you how terrible rape is, how do you think a man feels after being raped. You notice men do not go on TV as a whole to talk about it. However, the majority of women do not even think it happens or cares. Ask any American women if they know the colour of the ribbon for men with Penile Cancer? How many fundraisers have you seen for men that have Testicle and Penile cancer? Do you think a man's penis is as important as a woman’s Breast? With all due respect when you're out with your pitchforks and torches looking for someone to condemn I would suggest you leave God/ Christ out of the conversation.

20 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day


Do the Math Global War on terror has Killed 4 million Muslims or More! 

WASHINGTON — A study released earlier this year revealed the shocking death toll of the United States’s “War on Terror” since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but the true body count could be even higher.

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