21 December, 2011

Hillary Clinton, Worried about the well being of the North Korean People.

Does Not Look Korean to Me.

Looks like America's, to me Hillary Clinton


               Where Were The Clinton's 1994 Rwandan Massacre?

First, I want people that read my blogs to know that I am running for president 2012. I have been a member of both the Republican and Democratic parties. After watching both parties always give an upper class candidate that has no clue what to do to help the middle class and America. What I have seen since 1951 is both parties telling us the Middle Class, that it is the other party's fault. So I vote for the one that seems honest and caring. I only got it right 2 times. The, Independent Parties cannot raise enough money. The last 9 out of 10 President's bought the White House. 84% of the winners of the Senate seats had the most money. Also, I wonder why we suffer as the middle class while Congress has 234 Millionaires. They do not need a Middle Class President. I announced my running for president 2012 march 3, 2011, and I have not received one comment on TV or in one newspaper in the United States of American. Sounds like how they handle the press in China, on a need to know basis, and the Middle Class does not need to know, that we have qualified presidential candidates amongst us.

Where Were The Clinton's 1994 Rwandan massacre?

Bill Clinton was president in the year 1994, during the year of the horrifying Rwandan massacre in which Hutu nationalists systematically slaughtered nearly a million of their Tutsi countrymen.
Bill Clinton, was "Fighting Crime and Restoring Our Communities The President signed into law the Brady Bill, which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so these background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals. On November 30, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed the "Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act", also known as the "Brady Bill," into law. The Brady Bill, which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so these background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals."


First Lady Hillary Clinton, in 1993, was traveling around our nation pushing hard for health care reform bill, that failed in 1994.
Now US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, demanding more bombs and missiles to save the people of Libya, the dark tan people in oil rich country. It may be a coincidence, that they are not black, and have much oil. In 1994 as first lady, she did not insist on military support for Rwandan massacre in which Hutu nationalists systematically slaughtered nearly a million of their Tutsi countrymen. The Black people in a Nation not rich in oil. It may be a coincidence that they are black with no oil. People can naive if they think all the Military and funding is going to oil rich nations based on our humanity. Give me one act of humanity, our Government showed helping to prevent the Rwandan massacre. Please give me a reason that hundred of thousands of deaths and wounded, crippled, and the amputated Americans and civilians suffered, if not for oil. Please do not give me that the terrorist that attacked the World Trade Center where in Iraq and Afghanistan. al-Qaeda had no bases in Iraq or Afghanistan. al-Qaeda are nomads, Claiming all Muslim Nations is their home.bin ladin, al-Qaedas leader, was based in Pakistan for 5 years. We give billions of dollars of aid to Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
So, please tell me why we did not save millions of lives in the Rwandan massacre. I voted for Bill Clinton, not because he was a Democrat, but because I believed in him.
Bill Clinton had the power to save Rwandan. He was the Commander In Chief of the Untied States Military. I will live you with this wonderful statement by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
1Published: 09 September, 2010, 01:29" US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said:
"The US can, will, and must lead in this new century," said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


What is ironic is Bill Clinton was working on a bill to help prevent killings.
Hillary was working on a Health Bill to keep people healthy

I think Rwandan could have used both in 1994.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is extremely busy these days saving all the oil rich Muslim Nations, except for those starving and those Black Africans that are still being Genocide. Yes they are mostly Muslims. No they are not rich in oil. So Hillary, Bombs away.


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