03 November, 2011

Attention All Illegal Immigrants-La atención Todos los Inmigrantes de Ilegal

All Illegal Immigrants that work in agriculture, that is a $5.23 billion economy in America, that the US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants.

I would ask you to not to go to work in 2012 for the entire crop session. That would hit the entire fields and orchards like the worst Locus in recorded history.

Then the Americans would see how important you are to the prices they pay at markets and the US economy would loose around $4 or $5 Billion in revenue

It would shut down many farms. All agriculture products at the markets, that were available would double and triple in price. Then Maybe USA would see how important you are to us. I am a Caucasian-American the love and respect Latinos culture because, I was raised in Watsonville, California, a leader in lettuce and strawberries among many other agriculture products. I went to school and lived in orphans with Latinos and blacks. I never had a dad to tell me other races were not as good as me.

The union, United Farm Workers, says it got more than 86,000 inquiries to its campaign from across the nation.for people to pick crops, But only 11 workers actually wound up taking jobs.

La atención Todos los Inmigrantes de Ilegal

Todos los Inmigrantes Ilegales que trabajan en la agricultura, eso es un $5,23 mil millones de economías en América, que Granjeros de EEUU Dependen de Inmigrantes Ilegales.

Le preguntaría a no ir a trabajar en 2012 para la sesión entera de la cosecha. Eso golpearía los campos y los huertos enteros como la peor Localidad en la historia registrada.

Entonces los norteamericanos verían cuán importante está a los precios que pagan en mercados y la economía de EEUU aflojaría alrededor $4 o $5 mil millones en la renta

Cerraría muchas granjas. Todas las productos de la agricultura en los mercados, que estuvo disponible duplicaría y se triplicaría en el precio. Entonces Quizá EEUU vería cuán importante está a nosotros. Soy un Caucásico-norteamericano el amor y latinoamericanos de respeto cultivan porque, Becuase que fui levantado en Watsonville, California, un líder en la lechuga y fresas entre muchos otros productos de la agricultura. Fui a la escuela y viví en huérfanos con latinoamericanos y negros. Yo nunca tuve a un padre para decirme que otras carreras no fueron tan buenas como mí.

La unión, Jornaleros Unidos, dicen que consiguió más de 86.000 indagaciones a su campaña de a través de las personas de nación.para para escoger las cosechas, Pero sólo 11 trabajadores hieren realmente tomando arriba los trabajos.

The work may be hard, but if you believe Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, the industry pays solid wages.

"Understand that these are $12, $13, $14, $16, $18 an hour job," Black told 90.1 WABE-FM’s Denis O'Hayer in an interview. "Talked to a gentleman yesterday, they had a crew of people, they were going to make $130 a day picking cucumbers. That’s 130 buckets of cucumbers, $1 per bucket."
Up to $18 an hour? That’s more lucrative than flipping burgers or greeting customers at Walmart. Suddenly, picking cucumbers seemed like a viable Plan B.

I believe that we should give Amnesty on condition they pay taxes set by the US Government, and given Social Security Numbers.Why Farmers need them to work in the filed and "lower-class" jobs that American will not take even at almost 10% unemployment and it will reach 13% in a Year.

There is no way we can capture 12 million illegal's in American. And whatever we do capture will be back again. The electric fence and electronic sensors for 2000 mile along US/Mexico boarder is a joke and a waste of money.
It is so easy to bypass security systems except at Fort Knox. Boarder patrols have found 42 tunnels, But what about6 t5he next 42 and the next6 42 tunnels.-
America the Melting Pot.
The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States; the melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.

After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalism, who assert that cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the alternative metaphor of the mosaic or salad bowl – different cultures mix, but remain distinct.

The Mexico–United States barrier — also known in the United States as the border fence or border wall — is actually several separation barriers designed to prevent illegal movement across the Mexico – United States border. The barriers were built as part of three larger "Operations" to taper transportation of illegal drugs manufactured in Latin America and illegal immigration: Operation Gatekeeper in California, Operation Hold-the-Line [1] in Texas, and Operation Safeguard[2] in Arizona. The barriers are strategically placed to mitigate the flow of illegal border crossings along the Mexico – United States international border into the Southwestern United States. Construction supporters cite the ongoing escalation of national security risks, relating to Cartel border violence,and their possible co-operation with overseas terrorists. Opponents claim the barriers are a taxpayer boondoggle, an ineffective deterrent and that the barriers inappropriately jeopardize the health and safety of those seeking illegal entry into the United States, as well as destroy animal habitat, prevent animals from reaching water, disturb animal migration patterns, and otherwise damage the environment. Despite this barrier, the US Mexican border is considered

Even the long recession doesn't seem to be increasing native-born Americans' appetite for menial labor. Last year, the United Farm Workers union started a "Take Our Jobs" campaign. The idea was to attract Americans to take the jobs of migrant farm workers, the overwhelming majority of whom are illegal immigrants.
The union says it got more than 86,000 inquiries to its campaign from across the nation. But only 11 workers actually wound up taking jobs.

The Pew Hispanic Center used Census Bureau data to estimate that the United States had 11.1 million illegal immigrants in March 2005. The center used monthly population estimates to project a current total of 11.5 million to 12 million.
The report estimates that 850,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in United States each year since 2000.

he number is expected to reach 250 million by 2012 and surpass 300 million ... to describe low-wage workers performing manual labor in the agriculture field; Migrant worker

estimates about 12 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2004.
The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget

Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.

• Among the largest costs are Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

• With nearly two-thirds of illegal aliens lacking a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, not their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

For fiscal years 2006 through 2009, the SBI program received about $3.6 billion in appropriated funds. Of this amount, by late 2008 about $2.4 billion had been allocated to complete approximately 670 miles of vehicle and pedestrian fencing along the roughly 2,000 miles of border between the United States and Mexico. In March the Tactical Infrastructure / Border Fence Program was transferred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Finance, Facilities Management and Engineering (FM&E) from the Secure Border Initiative (SBI).
 As of January 22, 2010, CBP had completed roughly 643.3 miles of fencing (344.8 miles of primary pedestrian fence and 298.5 miles of vehicle fence) along the Southwest Border. Generally speaking, pedestrian fence is located in urban areas and adjacent to ports of entry, whereas vehicle fence is located in relatively unpopulated and remote areas of the border. When finished, the Department will have constructed a total of approximately 670 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence along the Southwest Border.
• On average, the costs that illegal households impose on federal coffers are less than half that of other households, but their tax payments are only one-fourth that of other households.

• Many of the costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their citizen children can continue to access them

If illegal aliens were given amnesty and began to pay taxes and use services like households headed by legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual net fiscal deficit would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total net cost of $29 billion.

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